For a full bibliography, including all published short stories, click here: (opens in new window as .pdf): BIBLIOGRAPHY |

Luke Thacker is a drifting hobo in Depression-era America, riding the rails of the nation and surviving by crumbs and hope. Along the way he learns the iconography of transients—the Hobo Code—better than anyone else and deciphers a secret that thrusts him into Athanasia, the middle ground of memories.
He learns that Athanasia exists around us, a realm in which the deceased persevere by how they are remembered, and the memories Luke meets will do anything to not ever be forgotten, whether by trickery, violence, or daring.
Luke learns, too, that what’s remembered yesterday is not always the same as what will be remembered tomorrow, and he sets off to keep alive the memories of those he loves in the way a ’bo does best: telling tales of old legends, and making up new ones alike. Fifty years later... (click for more) |
Wrecked, Yet Sent Forth |

In 1901, the 13-year-old boy Clayton Chesley is driven into manhood after he wrongly kills a hostler in defense of his drunken father. Haunted by guilt, and with few other prospects, he takes to the road to carve a new life for himself.
Five years later, Clay’s landed in the nascent country of Panama, hoping to be part of the world’s greatest engineering feat ever attempted, construction of the historic Canal. Yet reeling still from hardship and poor fortune, Clay finds he has little opportunity until he involves himself in a band of desperate revolutionaries and their grim mystery of lost gold.
Beset by misdeeds, racial strife, and murder, Clay must navigate a strange and tumultuous land while grappling with his own moral ambiguity, reflected by both the devil in guise of a treacherous rat and a benevolent conscience guided by Huckleberry Finn... (COMING SOON!) |

A Graveside Gallery: Tales of Ghosts and Dark Matters includes nineteen strange and masterful short fiction stories in this second collection by award-winning author Eric J. Guignard. From hauntings and oblivion to monsters, murder, and anthropomorphism, A Graveside Gallery explores the literary odd and macabre that reside in the vast shadows of our existence.
Discover why Eric J. Guignard’s beautifully-voiced and disquieting work has been praised by sites such as Library Journal (“Guignard captures the depth of emotion underlying fictional terrors”) and Publishers Weekly (“high-concept and brilliant”) as well as the NY Times, CNBC News, Booklist, and more.
Published by Cemetery Dance, explore stories such as... (click for more) |

That Which Grows Wild collects sixteen dark and masterful short fiction stories by award-winning author Eric J. Guignard. Equal parts of whimsy and weird, horror and heartbreak, this debut collection traverses the darker side of the fantastic through vibrant and harrowing tales that encounter monsters and regrets, hope and atonement, and the oddly changing reflection that turns back at you in the mirror.
Discover why, after only several years, Eric J. Guignard has developed an ardent following and earned praise by masters of the craft such as Ramsey Campbell (“Guignard gives voice to paranoid vision that’s all too believable”) and Rick Hautala (“No other young horror author is better, I think, than Eric J. Guignard”).
Published by Cemetery Dance, explore stories such as... (click for more) |

Detroit, 1963, is a hotbed of gambling, and the weekly baggage auctions keep a busy trade. Charlie Stewart and Joey Third are skilled in the art of successful bidding, but when Joey lands a mysterious suitcase, the thrill of winning turns to terror once they realize they’ve opened something sinister.
Inside the suitcase is an antique gramophone, and the music it plays is unlike anything they’ve heard before. A chanting voice speaks to them in strange words, evoking visions of a dark, frozen land. It’s a voice that makes them sick with addiction, and it continues chanting in their heads even when the record stops playing.
Charlie sets out to solve the mystery of the unholy music and how to turn it off forever. But the urge to listen grows stronger... feeding an apparition that seeks immortality... (click for more) |

The Horror Writers Association (HWA) and Poisoned Pen Press, an imprint of SourceBooks, present the Haunted Library of Horror Classics, a line of reissued classic horror literature books from over the past 250 years. These books are recognized as literary masterpieces of their era that are either remembered today through distorted theatrical or movie versions, or have been relegated to academic study, or have otherwise been nearly forgotten entirely.
Series editors Eric J. Guignard and Leslie S. Klinger now bring back these seminal titles of the genre, making them easily available to modern readers!
The Haunted Library of Horror Classics editions are quality trade paperbacks (and ebooks), carefully curated to follow the definitive text of the original publications, while being presented at reasonable prices for a mass market... (click for more) |
Scaring and Daring |

Get ready for a terrifying spin on some of literature’s most beloved tales—no story is safe! From Captain Hook summoning dark magic to Sherlock Holmes narrowly escaping graveyard spirits to a happily-NEVER-after for Cinderella, this horror anthology is anything but a bedtime story.
Featuring tales from New York Times bestselling authors Jonathan Maberry and Kelley Armstrong, Carlos Hernandez, Lisa Morton, Maurice Broaddus, and many others, this middle-grade anthology of fun and frightful tales will haunt you long after you turn the last page.
Read on—if you dare!... COMING IN FALL, 2025 (FROM HARPERCOLLINS)!

A Non-Fiction Anthology of Personal Accounts Benefitting Mental Health and Creative Inspiration.
The world can be an overwhelming and terrifying place. People often feel as if they are beaten, trapped, hunted—pursued by the very real monsters of mental illness, disabilities, abuse, loss, and countless other fears.
Featuring essays and interviews with some of the best writers in the horror genre, and compiled by the highly acclaimed Stoker Award-winning editors Eugene Johnson and Eric J. Guignard, this non-fiction anthology from Cemetery Dance lets people know that no matter how dark it gets, they are not alone. Authors share their personal experiences, their struggles, their coping mechanisms, and what the genre community has meant to them... (click for more) |

"At Last, an Authoritative Compendium to (Fictional) Haunted Buildings for the Delight and Exploration of Reader-Travelers Around the Globe!”
For nearly forty years, renowned paranormal investigator Professor Charlatan Bardot has examined, documented, and acquired stories of haunted buildings around the world. Partnered with leading anthologist Eric J. Guignard, and gifted artists Steve Lines and James Gabb, the greatest of Charlatan’s discoveries are made available now in this comprehensive travel anthology! From the Philippines’ tragic Ame-Soeur Clothing Factory, to Sweden’s reverent Fish Church; from Tanzania’s vengeful Unguja Restaurant, to Canada’s cursed Crow Island Lighthouse, Charlatan Bardot presents a lifetime of experience... (click for more)

Welcome to the cool side of the 1950s, where the fast cars and revved-up movie monsters peel out in the night. Where outlaw vixens and jukebox tramps square off with razorblades and lead pipes. Where rockers rock, cool cats strut, and hot rods roar. Where you howl to the moon as the tiki drums pound and the electric guitar shrieks and that spit-and-holler jamboree ain’t gonna stop for a long, long time... maybe never.
This is the ’50s where ghost shows still travel the back roads of the south, and rockabilly has a hold on the nation’s youth; where lucky hearts tell the tale, and maybe that fella in the Shriners’ fez ain’t so square after all. Where exist noir detectives of the supernatural, tattoo artists of another kind, Hollywood fix-it men, and a punk kid with grasshopper arms under his chain-studded jacket... (click for more)

Every nation of the globe has unique tales to tell, whispers that settle in through the land, creatures or superstitions that enliven the night, but rarely do readers get to experience such a diversity of these voices in one place as in A World of Horror, the latest anthology book created by award-winning editor Eric J. Guignard, and beautifully illustrated by artist Steve Lines.
Enclosed within its pages are twenty-two all-new dark and speculative fiction stories written by authors from around the world that explore the myths and monsters, fables and fears of their homelands. Encounter the haunting things that stalk those radioactive forests outside Chernobyl in Ukraine; sample the curious dishes one may eat in Canada; beware the veldt monster that mirrors yourself in Uganda; or simply battle mountain trolls alongside Alfred Nobel in Sweden. These stories and more are found within A World of Horror: Enter and discover, truly, there’s no place on the planet devoid of frights... (click for more) |

Hearing, sight, touch, smell, and taste: Our impressions of the world are formed by our five senses, and so too are our fears, our imaginations, and our captivation in reading fiction stories that embrace these senses.
Whether hearing the song of infernal caverns, tasting the erotic kiss of treachery, or smelling the lush fragrance of a fiend, enclosed within this anthology are fifteen horror and dark fantasy tales that will quicken the beat of fear, sweeten the flavor of wonder, sharpen the spike of thrills, and otherwise brighten the marvel of storytelling that is found resonant!
Editor Eric J. Guignard and psychologist Jessica Bayliss, PhD also include companion discourse throughout, offering academic and literary insight as well as psychological commentary examining the physiology of our senses, why each of our senses are engaged by dark fiction stories, and how... (click for more) |

The +Horror Library+ anthologies are internationally praised as a groundbreaking source of contemporary horror short fiction stories—relevant to the moment and stunning in impact—from leading authors of the macabre and darkly imaginative.
Filled with Fears and Fantasy. Death and Dark Dreams. Monsters and Mayhem. Literary Vision and Wonder. Each volume of the +Horror Library+ series is packed with heart-pounding thrills and creepy contemplations as to what truly lurks among the shadows of the world(s) we live in.
Read Volume 8 in this ongoing anthology series, and then continue with the other volumes... (click for more)

The +Horror Library+ anthologies are internationally praised as a groundbreaking source of contemporary horror short fiction stories—relevant to the moment and stunning in impact—from leading authors of the macabre and darkly imaginative.
Filled with Fears and Fantasy. Death and Dark Dreams. Monsters and Mayhem. Literary Vision and Wonder. Each volume of the +Horror Library+ series is packed with heart-pounding thrills and creepy contemplations as to what truly lurks among the shadows of the world(s) we live in.
Read Volume 7 in this ongoing anthology series, and then continue with the other volumes... (click for more)

The +Horror Library+ anthologies are internationally praised as a groundbreaking source of contemporary horror short fiction stories—relevant to the moment and stunning in impact—from leading authors of the macabre and darkly imaginative.
Filled with Fears and Fantasy. Death and Dark Dreams. Monsters and Mayhem. Literary Vision and Wonder. Each volume of the +Horror Library+ series is packed with heart-pounding thrills and creepy contemplations as to what truly lurks among the shadows of the world(s) we live in.
Read Volume 6 in this ongoing anthology series, and then continue with the other volumes... (click for more) |

Death. Who has not considered their own mortality and wondered at what awaits, once our frail human shell expires? What occurs after the heart stops beating, after the last breath is drawn, after life as we know it terminates?
Does our spirit remain on Earth while the body rots? Do the remnants of our soul transcend to a celestial Heaven or sink to Hell’s torment? Can we choose our own afterlife? Can we die again in the hereafter? Are we given the opportunity to reincarnate and do it all over? Is life merely a cosmic joke or is it an experiment for something greater?
Enclosed in this anthology are thirty-four all-new dark and speculative fiction stories exploring the possibilities after death... (click for more) |

Darkness exists everywhere, and in no place greater than those where spirits and curses still reside. Tread not lightly on ancient lands that have been discovered by this collection of intrepid authors.
In Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations, you will unearth an anthology of twenty-five previously unpublished horror and speculative fiction stories, relating to aspects of civilizations that are crumbling, forgotten, rediscovered, or perhaps merely spoken about in great and fearful whispers.
What is it that lures explorers to distant lands where none have returned? Where is Genghis Khan buried? What happened to Atlantis? Who will displace mankind on Earth? What laments have the Witches of Oz?
Answers to these mysteries and other tales are presented within... (click for more) |

Active only between the years 1913–1921, the enigmatic author S. Mukerji published just two works of fiction: a serialized detective thriller The Mysterious Traders and a collection of haunting tales set in British colonial India, Indian Ghost Stories.
It is Indian Ghost Stories in particular that has kept S. Mukerji’s name relevant over 100 years later for compiling spooky and weird fiction, supernatural sightings, South Asian lore, and historic accounts into a rich fusion of dark and fantastic narrative.
For as deft a hand as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or Rudyard Kipling were at mystery, gothic, and tales of otherworldly phenomenon, S. Mukerji has left his own indelible mark... (click for more) |

First published in 1812, Fantasmagoriana has become one of the most seminal ghost-story anthologies of all time. Originally collected as a French translation of eight German-language tales, Fantasmagoriana famously led to the creation of such works as the horror-classic novel Frankenstein, the short story “The Vampyre” (a progenitor to the fantasy vampire genre), the novella “Ernestus Berchtold; or, The Modern Oedipus,” the poem “Manfred,” and more.
In 1813, the anthology was partially translated into English as Tales of the Dead, excluding three of the original stories while adding in one new, and inspiring an even wider audience to delight in stories of the ghostly and macabre... (click for more)

The classic tale that inspired the A24-movie The Green Knight starring Dev Patel!
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight stands as one of the earliest literary memories of Medieval England, King Arthur and his Round Table, the mythical Camelot, and those knights who called it home.
In this classic tale of chivalry and adventure, a mysterious figure interrupts a New Year’s Eve celebration. Dressed all in green, he challenges King Arthur to a dangerous duel, but it is Gawain, the least of them, who is brave enough to accept the challenge on Arthur’s behalf. What follows is the young knight’s journey into the heart of darkness as he tries to survive the impossible.
Intended for students, academics, and fans of the Knights of the Round Table mythos, no treatment or contemporary retelling of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is as complete and thrilling... (click for more) |
For a full bibliography, including all published short stories, click here: (opens in new window as .pdf): BIBLIOGRAPHY |
For FREE online Stories by Eric J. Guignard, click here: FREE ONLINE FICTION |